The International Institute of Social Sciences and Research (IISSR) is a Registered Non-profit Institution founded in 2012 and dedicated to the promotion of advance research  in the field of Social Science innovation at worldwide  by organizing   different international events in associations with various world class Universities ,Institutions. It brings together institutions, bodies and organizations from different countries of the world for discussion and cooperation.

Mission :

To promote and enhance the dialogue in education among the institutions devoted to Social Sciences and Research fields through:

– Promotion of best practice standards in the service of international education.
– The facilitation of relevant forums, training and information exchange.
– Creation and dissemination of knowledge; exert an influence in public policy.
– Production of publications used as a database document for research works, projects and innovation activities held on the international education field.

IISSR believes that this is best achieved through international cooperation and promotes the development of closer links among relevant institutions and individuals around the world. IISSR supports that such international cooperation can help countries learn from each other and promotes the dissemination of Social Sciences and Research activities. We recently changed our URL to

IISSR is also a school where young researches learn how to chair a technical session for the first time, and where young authors are coached how to edit a publishable contribution via a few iterations.

IISSR intends to achieve the mentioned objectives and get an international visibility by the organization of international conferences and by interacting with public and private organisms from all parts of the world.


Professor Alberto Barchiesi (Managing Director)

Professor Gennaro Chierchia

Professor Joaquin Sorolla

Professor Ignacio Aldecoa

Dr. Filippo Esposito

Dr. Martina Ricci

Dr. Samuel Romano

Dr. Jovani Bruno